- Schools Civic Education programmes
- Life Skills programmes
- Transition programmes
- Model European Parliament
- IdeAzzjonisti
- The Young Parliamentarians programme
- The Student Council Democracy Awards.
- Detached Youth Work Qawra
detached youth work
In the North of Malta, detached youth work is carried out in St. Paul’s Bay. Our team of youth workers go around and meet with young people in the streets. The young people discuss with and on occasions get informed by the youth workers about different matters and opportunities. Furthermore, on different occasions the youth workers help the young people one to one on issues related to employment, schoolwork and referencing to other services. Through detached youth work in these areas we create links with the community and embark on different projects.
17:00 – 20:00
For further information kindly contact Aġenzija Żgħażagħ on 22586700
or email on agenzija.zghazagh@gov.mt
or email on agenzija.zghazagh@gov.mt