The theme for this year’s International Youth Day is ‘Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages’. Thus, the objective of International Youth Day 2022 is to amplify the message that action is needed across all generations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and ensure that no one is left behind. Indeed, through the raising of awareness to the barriers to intergenerational solidarity, notably ageism, which affects young and old persons and produces detrimental social impact as a whole. As young people continue to report on age related barriers in various spheres of their lives, solidarity across generations is all the more important for sustainable development.
Furthermore, in light of the global emergence from a COVID-19 pandemic, the need to assess and give importance to matters concerning young people has gained a new dimension. As a result, the role of governments in addition to youth organisations is vital to ensure that trustworthy public health information is disseminated.
Young people are also encouraged to take action and become active participants of their lives and advocate matters that concern them.
In honour of this day, a press conference was held at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ headquarters with the CEO Miriam Teuma, Hon. Clifton Grima, Hon. Keith Azzopardi Tanti and Jacob Callus, an Advocacy Officer at Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ delivering speeches on the importance of young people within the nation and the vitality of fostering and maintaining healthy intergenerational relationships. As young people are the future of the nation, it is of utmost vitality that their needs are met, with appropriate support being given to facilitate independence and preparation for their future lives.
Furthermore, an agreement was signed between the agency and the Relationships are Forever foundation for the training of professionals on the use of “On Our Journey” cards. This initiative seeks to facilitate a happier life of those using them, helping to reflect, make healthy choices, validate one’s values and principles as well as calibrate one’s life compass. These cards provide help to those in need as well as aiding professionals, acting as a tool to coach and support others.