Our Functions

Function 1
Liaise with and ensure the necessary coordination between Government departments and other agencies in the implementation of youth policy and measures or initiatives proposed by Government or the
Agency from time to time.
Function 2
Provide new spaces and facilities both at regional and local community level for young people.
Function 3
Develop and implement services, programmes, projects and initiatives for the active engagement, empowerment and participation of young people.
Function 4
Develop and implement cross-sectoral supports for young people that enhance their social participation and their learning and employment prospects.
Function 5
Raise awareness among young people; listen to and support the voice of young people, and actively involve them in the decision making process on issues that impact their lives.
Function 6
Actively encourage and facilitate the involvement of voluntary youth organisations/NGOs in the provision of programmes, projects and initiatives for young people.
Function 7
Undertake and publish ongoing research and data collection on the lives of young people.
Function 8
Foster and support cooperation in the youth field at European and international level and liaise with the European Union Programmes Agency in maximising the opportunities provided under the Erasmus + Youth in Action programme.
Function 9
Regularly monitor and evaluate the agency’s services, programmes, projects and initiatives for young people.
Function 10
Perform such other function as may be assigned to the agency by the Minister.