Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Takes Steps to Advance Youth Research in Malta
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Takes Steps to Advance Youth Research in Malta
In alignment with its commitment to the National Youth Policy’s pledge to invest further in youth research, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is undertaking an important initiative to enhance the understanding of issues affecting young people in Malta. Following its recent Annual Stakeholders Meeting, the agency is compiling a comprehensive directory of available research on young people, with the goal of consolidating existing knowledge and identifying areas where further research is needed.
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is calling on all Government stakeholders with relevant studies or data to contribute to this effort by sharing their research on youth. This can include reports, surveys, or any other documents that shed light on the experiences, challenges, and opportunities faced by young people. Submissions should either include direct links to the research or the research documents themselves and should be sent via email to laura.rio@gov.mt. This directory will serve as a central resource for policymakers, researchers, and youth organizations to access existing research and avoid duplication of efforts.
In addition to this, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is establishing a Youth Research Working Group. This group will play a key role in identifying gaps in current youth research and will work towards commissioning studies in areas where knowledge is lacking. By focusing on these gaps, the working group aims to ensure that future policy decisions are grounded in solid evidence and reflect the actual needs and realities of young people.
This initiative is a significant step forward in strengthening the research infrastructure around youth issues in Malta. The Youth Research Working Group will engage a diverse range of experts, including researchers, and policymakers, to prioritize areas that require further exploration. Whether the gaps are in education, employment, mental health, or social inclusion, the group’s work will help inform evidence-based policy-making.
Through these efforts, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is not only fulfilling its commitment to the National Youth Policy but also fostering a culture of collaboration between stakeholders in the field of youth. This approach will ultimately lead to more effective policies and programs that better serve the needs of Malta’s younger generation.
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